Tuesday, December 23, 2008
LAPD Recognition Day 2008
First CSA Competition At Ayala High School
The girls cheer team CSA participated in their first official competition. The girls had a bast and we had fun too. It was an all day event with cheer teams from middles schools, high schools and novice teams. The team took 2nd place in their division and qualified for Nationals which will be held at California Adventure in March. They have several more competitions in between including one at Knotts. They are working on new stunts and Abby is still a flyer..they want her to try and get her back flexible enough to do a scorpion..regardless..she loves being in the air and nailed all of her stunts at competition without falling. Yeah! On to the next event.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
child this old! It truly feels like just yesterday
that she was born and started our little family.
Her dad and I are so proud of the young women she has become.
She is a beautiful girl inside and out and we love
her very much. We are so glad she is a part of our family.
She is a wonderful example to her sisters. They love her too!
Happy Birthday Ashlyn!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Asst. Coach Jeff, Team Mom Beverly, Amanda, Briana, Ariana, Jennalyn, Coach Lisa, Makenna, Nikki, Amber,
Stephanie, and Jaden
It's OVER! Yesterday my team, Amber's team, played their last game of the Fall 2008 season. They won 6-3 which was par for the season...the girls went undefeated in 10 games. They were such a great group of sweet girls all with talent to play Soccer. It was fun coaching at the U8 level again...
Thanks for a fun season girls! I will miss you!
Rancho Cucamonga Founder's Day Parade
Abby and Maddie
Last weekend Abby and her Cheer team participated in the Rancho Cucamonga Founder's Day Parade. During the parade they stopped at the MC's booth where they performed and were judged. We later found out they had taken first place. The trophy itself was as tall as Amber...HUGE! She is having a lot of fun with the team. They are now gearing up for their first competition in December and a Christmas parade. We wishe them luck! GO CSA!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Dancing With The Stars Report!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Sarah!
Sarah and Me
Hawaii- 2007
Dancing With The Stars!!

Monday, September 1, 2008
Back To School! August 25th!
The Big 6th Grader
Heritage Middle School
Solorio Elementary
So, as you can see we are full fledge back into school. With one week under out belt, I feel pretty good. Ashlyn starting middle school this year forces me to get up much earlier, and keeps us all on time. So far the schedules are going well..even mine now that I am working. Dave mentioned after the first three days, how weird it was to wake up and have the house so quiet. He definately is NOT complaining and has even snuck in a bike ride or two. But even with everything going well this week, I was still happy to have Friday come and a long weekend. Now it is back to the grind of school, soccer, homework, work, church, PTA and cheerleading. There is however something to be said about structure and schedules!
Birthday Celebrations and Friends
Happy 9th Birthday Abby!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Palm Desert...Shadow Ridge
After returning from Vegas, we dropped off Ashlyn's friend, stopped at the house to check on the animals, and headed out for a week in Palm Desert at our home resort, Marriott Shadow Ridge. Although we have been going every summer, we look forward to the R & R we get from going there and doing very little. In fact, I think every morning our day didn't start until 10! But with all the running the past month in Cancun and Vegas, it was time to just vacation. This year our room was on the first floor next to the lake with a little peninsula. The girls had fun trying to catch polywogs, and feeding the ducks. They made several friends at the pool each day and caught up on all of their Disney shows! They even painted some pottery poolside. One highlight? We all went and saw The Dark Night. It was a fun, action filmed movie. Such a shame Heath Ledger isn't around any longer..Anyways, it was a fun week, one we always look forward to.
Mamma Mia!
So after arriving home from Cancun, we decided to book a trip to Vegas using our timeshare membership. We invited one of Ashlyn's girlfriends to go with us for the week...(girls her age get SO BORED without a friend). We left on July 12th and stayed until the 18th. We had a wonderful time. Dave and I decided to treat the girls and take them to see the musical Mamma Mia at Mandalay Bay. It was so great and so much fun! The girls loved it and of course dad had to run out and buy the ABBA CD. If you haven't had a chance to see the movie, you should! Aside from Pierce Bronson being a little corny with his singing, it was really fun too! Mamma Mia! was definately the highlight of our trip to Vegas!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Because we won our division's championship, we were invited to attend the Parade of Champions Game with the LA Galaxy on July 10th. We took the whole family and the team. It was great fun, watching Beckham and Donovan play GREAT soccer. We hope to go again soon.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
It's BRACES Time!
Happy 4th of July!

spending LOTS of money on illegal fireworks, eating a ton, and staying up really late..along with all those things, I usually take lots and lots of pictures! Well, this year was still great, we ate a lot of food and watched plenty of fireworks and spent the evening with friends. But...I didn't quite take the pictures I usually do...so for this entry..you just get the flag. But really, isn't it all about that anyways? Happy 4th.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Our Cancun Mexico Trip!
On June 20th we left for the airport to catch a red eye flight to Cancun. Now when I mean " red-eye", that's exactly what it was. We wanted that kind of a flight but because we had a stop in Guadalejara and a change of plane in Mexico City...we literally did not sleep! We left Ontario airport at 12:15am on the 21st and arrived in Cancun on the 21st at 1:00pm. We figured we were up for about 36 hours. Amber had the most sleep at 3 hours. But, with that said, we would totally do it all over again, it was worth it! We were glad to be there.
The Resorts
While in Cancun, we stayed at the Royal Carribean and the JW Marriott Resort and Spa. They were both great! At the RS, we would walk to the bus stop(Abby sat on a bee on the bus and got stung) and there were TONS of iguanas on the other side of this fence. It was amazing. Needless to say, Cancun is full of iguanas everywhere. I think they are the "squirrels of Cancun."
Pool Fun!
Many days we just hung out at the pool at both resorts. The girls always made friends to play with and the resorts had fun things for the kids to do like face painting and water games. The pool was a great way to pass the day relaxing.
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