Happy New Year Everyone...ok so I am a little slow. I like slow, can anyone slow down this year? It is already starting to fly by way to quickly..I mean 2009? Wasn't it just the other day that we were afraid of 2000? Anyways, the holidays were great. Since we had so much company during Thanksgiving and right after, we decided to spend Christmas and Christmas Eve with just our family. It was really nice. No stress, no cleaning, no trying to prepare for a dinner with guests, just us. It was perfect. Of course I think the girls thought it was perfect too...As you can see from the picture above, the girls were THRILLED to get a Wii...oh and may I add that Mom and Dad got the credit for that instead of the big jolly guy in the red suit..that was fun! So, we spent most of Christmas day in our jammies playing tennis and baseball, bowling, golfing, and boxing...oh boxing. If you ever want to see if you are in shape, just box a little! Wow what a work out. Absolutely crazy hard. I was sore for 3 days after playing..played again and then was sore for 3 more. What a blast it was though. I guess that was Mom and Dad's favorite gift too! Happy 2009!