Amber's birthday was on June 15th...because of soccer we decided to hold her big 8th birthday sleepover on Thursday. No I never do things simple as my sister would say...but as my mom would say...our family is full of traditions! This is ours...we have a huge, crazy, fun sleepover for their 8th birthday. We had girls from church, soccer and school,15 in all, but it went well! The girls had a blast together and it was a great way to kickoff the summer. BUT, with that said, I can proudly say that I survived my final major sleepover...
Thank goodness!

Raeley, Amber and Jade

Twins, Savannah and Madelyn(Shield fans, they were Vic's daughter)
Amber and Madison

Thirteen...missing Ashlyn and Eva the camp leaders. That pool saw A LOT of action over the last 24 hrs..The girls had a blast. I thought it might wear them out...not so much.

"Amber's Tent"....Where all the fun was! We had a camp
theme this year. It was a lot of fun. The tent is huge, but we barely
fit all fifteen girls inside. Needless to say, they were NOT cold last night.

Eva and Ashlyn....the camp leaders! They
were so helpful! You have to love those "older"
children! Thanks girls!

The cupcake "Birthday Cake ".

Amber's new bike. We drove to three different storeslooking for that perfect bike..and in the end, we ended up back at Target! We LOVE Target!